Karate Classes/Clubs for Adults and Children in Basildon, Billericay, Brentwood, Rayleigh and Wickford, Essex
Karate Shi Gakko Shudan (Four School Group) Est 1986
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Class Cancellations
Please note that lessons are cancelled on Bank Holidays.
Posted 10th July 2024
Results of Dan Grade Examination Saturday 6th July 2024
On Saturday 6th July 2024 a Dan grade examination was held at Shotgate Community Hall in Wickford, Essex. Seven students from the Essex group of clubs run by Sensei Barry Coles were successful in achieving ranks ranging from 1st Dan to 3rd Dan. Family and friends also attended the event to support the examinees. Vaibhavi Rajat, Ian Mizen, and Thomas Munn were awarded 1st Dan, George Hayday, Adam Palmer and Jack Solder, 2nd Dan and Euan Weatherley, 3rd Dan.
Back row, from left to right, Paul Natzyl, Roy Stevens, Ian Weatherley, Barry Coles, Derek Charlton and Rodolfo Picciau Front row from left to right, Euan Weatherley, Adam Palmer, Jack Solder, George Hayday, Ian Mizen, Vaibhavi Jadhav and Thomas Munn.
Posted 18th January 2024
Sad News of Don King's Passing
It is with great sadness we report that Don King has recently passed away. Don had suffered from severe health problems for many years, but despite this he regularly attended classes held at the Brentwood School Sports Centre. Don was a popular member and was much respected for his love of Karate and determination that his ill health was not going to hold him back. Don will be greatly missed.
Don King, far right at a training session with Sensei Peggy Hess.
Posted 22nd August 2023
Reggie Went Promoted to Association Senior Member
Congratulations to Reggie Went who has recently been promoted to Association Senior Member. Reggie started Karate as a young boy and last year passed his 4th Dan grading examination. At the age of 28, he is the youngest person within the Association to hold the rank and continues to show great promise for further advancement.
Posted 2nd May 2022
Students Receive Black Belt Cetificates
On Monday 26th September 2022, Adam Palmer, Jack Solder and Darren Goodwin were presented with their Black Belt certificates after acieving their variuos ranks at the Dan grade examinations held on the 30th April 2022. The certificates were presented at the Rayleigh club by Barry Coles and Paul Natzyl, both instructors having played a role in the studnts development. The following week, Barry Coles presented Euan Weatherley, son of Senior Member and Assistant Instructor Ian Weatherley and Ross Jordan with their certificates. Reggie Went has also recently received his 4th Dan certificate.
Adam Palmer 1st Dan with Barry and Paul
Jack Solder 1st Dan with Barry and Paul
Darren Goodwin 2nd Dan with Barry and Paul
Barry and Paul
Ross Jordan 1st Dan with Barry and Ian
Euan Weatherley 2nd Dan with Barry and Ian
Posted 2nd May 2022
Results of Dan Grade Examination Saturday 30th April 2022
On Saturday 30 April 2022 a Dan grade examination was held at Shotgate Community Hall in Wickford, Essex. Six students from the Essex group of clubs run by Sensei Barry Coles were successful in achieving ranks ranging from 1st Dan to 4th Dan. Family and friends also attended the event to support the examinees from the Basildon and Rawreth clubs. Ross Jordan, Adam Palmer and Jack Solder were awarded 1st Dan, Darren Akers and Euan Weatherley, 2nd Dan and Reggie Went, 4th Dan. Rodolfo Picciau from Kent took his place with the rest of the grading panel members for the first time after recently being made a Senior Member of the Association.
From left to right, Reggie Went, Darren Akers, Euan Weatherley, Jack Solder, Adam Palmer and Ross Jordan
Back row, from left to right, Paul Natzyl, Barry Coles, Derek Charlton, Ian Weatherley, Rodolfo Picciau and Roy Stevens Front row from left to right, Reggie Went, Darren Akers, Euan Weatherley, Jack Solder, Adam Palmer and Ross Jordan
Posted 9th July 2021
Covid-19 Club Update
Please see Karate Clubs page for details of classes currently being held.
Posted 7th January 2021
Covid-19 Club Closures
Due to recent Goverment restrictions, all clubs are once again closed until further notice.
Posted 27th July 2020
Clubs are due to re-open in September after their closure earlier on in the year due to Covid-19.
Posted 31st October 2019
Terry Donoghue and Dave Harris Visit Castle Hall
On the 30th October 2019, 7th Dan Sensei Terry Donoghue and 6th Dan Dave Harris visited the Castle Hall Dojo in Rayleigh, Essex. Several of Dave Harris's students also attended the two hour training session. After some warm-up exercises taken by Sensei Barry Coles, Terry Donoghue was given the opportunity to demonstrate some very effective Kata applications. A very enjoyable and enlightening evening was had by all participants from the three different Karate Associations (Okinawa Karate Associaion U.K., Uechi-Ryu International Karate Association and Uechi-Ryu Karate Association G.B.).
Summer (Jun - Aug) 2017 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Roxanne Dean - 13.7.17
11th Kyu
Kushi Lolljee - 13.7.17
Spring (Mar - Apr) 2017 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
Brentwood9th Kyu
Abigail Knight - 31.3.17
9th Kyu
Jessica Holliman - 2.3.17
Winter (Dec - Feb) 2016 - 2017 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
10th Kyu
Harry Dackombe - 24.2.17
Daniel Tanner - 24.2.17
12th Kyu
Mio Ushioda - 24.2.17
Emma McArthur - 24.2.17
Mary McArthur - 24.2.17
Connor Knight - 24.2.17
1st Kyu
Euan Weatherley - 22.2.17
12th Kyu
Faye Bennett - 21.2.17
Lucy Bennett - 21.2.17
Archie Davies - 21.2.17
Kushi Lolljee - 21.2.17
11th Kyu
Ellis Lowe - 21.2.17
Benjamin Rix - 21.2.17
10th Kyu
Chelsea Gibbons - 28.2.17
Benjamin Rix 21.2.17
8th Kyu
Natalie Rix - 28.2.17
Posted 2nd February 2017
Tradition Carries on, Castle Hall Christmas Celebration 2016
Seen in the picture below, students attending the annual Castle Hall Christmas celebrations. Sensei Barry Coles has carried on the tradition of holding the party from Paul Natzyl, who believes it gives the opportunity to the instructor, to thank the students for their hard work and support during the year as well as being able to offer best wishes for Christmas and New Year. Despite it being a humble affair, it has remained popular over the years. The party has been unique to the Castle Hall Club, similar celebrations are not normally held at any of the other Shi Gakko Shudan clubs.
Students also got together recently for an evening of bowling and then a meal, arranged by Andrew Worth. Andrew has arranged numerous get togethers over the years which have been enormously popular and for which we thank him for.
Castle Hall Christmas Party
Autumn (Sep - Nov) 2016 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
11th Kyu
Harley Cowell - 12.10.16
Harry Dackombe - 9.9.16
Amy Kirwin - 12.10.16
Jack Kirwin - 12.10.16
Daniel Tanner - 9.9.16
8th Kyu
Fiona Browing - 15.9.16
Harry Dackombe & Daniel Tanner
11th Kyu
Daniel Doige - 9.9.16
Leah Knight - 9.9.16
10th Kyu
Abigail Knight - 9.9.16
Connor Knight - 9.9.16
2nd Kyu
Ross Jordan - 19.9.16
Alexander Siddle - 26.9.16
12th Kyu
Ellis Lowe - 20.9.16
Ellis Lowe
11th Kyu
Chelsea Gibbons - 20.9.16
Holly Gibbons - 20.9.16
Ben Rix - 20.9.16
Posted 12th October 2016
Roy Stevens Promoted to Senior Member
Roy Stevens has been promoted to Senior Member of the Association. This means that Roy will now be included on the grading panel for Dan grade examinations and can attend any the Association's Board meetings. Roy has been a loyal member for many years, training mainly at the Rayleigh clubs. He has always shown enthusiasm for Karate, has been involved in teaching and helping out at the clubs, and has achieved his 2nd Dan, Roy also shows good judgment, and is popular with fellow students, which makes Roy an ideal Senior Member
Roy Stevens
Posted 12th October 2016
Training Seminar with Okinawan Masters
Senseis Bary Coles and Ian Weatherley along with other members of the Association recently attended a seminar held in Oxford with Okinawan Senseis Nakahodo and Yamashiro. The seminar was organised by the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association G.B.. Apart from training, the event also included an examination for Dan grades for some of the students, and a referees course. Unfortunately due to work commitments, Ian Weatherley was unable to prepare for his 6th Dan test, but was able to take advantage of the expert tuition that was given.
Left to Right, Senseis Weatherley, Nakahodo, Coles and Yamashiro
Posted 12th October 2016
Back to Uechi-Ryu
On the 18th September 2016, our parent Association in Okinawa Japan, issued a statement to inform us that they would be changing the name of our Karate style, Shohei-Ryu, back to its original name Uechi-Ryu.
Uechi-Ryu is named after Kanbun Uechi, an Okinawan who developed a form of Kung Fu, which he learnt whilst staying in China during the late 1800,s. In recent years there was a split in the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association based in Okinawa, Japan, which led to many of the highest graded members leaving the Uechi family, and forming their own Association which they named, the Okinawa Karate Association. For a while the name Uechi-Ryu was used to describe the style being taught by both Associations. However, it was later decided by the breakaway group, to change the name of the style to Shohei-Ryu.
For many years now, the style has been taught throughout the World under the name of Shohei-Ryu and Uechi-Ryu depending on which parent Association, different groups have been affiliated to. With the Olympic Games approaching in Tokyo in 2020, it has been decided by our parent Association, that the style should be unified and to revert back to the name of Uechi-Ryu, therefore enabling it to be recognised and promoted as one of the three main forms of Karate taught in Okinawa, Japan.
Therefore from now on, the name of the style should be refered to as Uechi-Ryu, pronounced way-chee-roo. All grades will be recognised and remain the same, only the name changes. The current gi badge will be altered to bear the name of Uechi-Ryu instead of Shohei-Ryu, likewise grading certificates will be altered accordingly. Students will be allowed to continue to wear the old style gi badge for the time being.
Summer (Jun - Aug) 2016 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
10th Kyu
Jessica Holliman - 6.8.16
Posted 5th August 2016
Training with Sensei Peggy Hess 7th Dan
On Friday 8th July 2016, Uechi-Ryu Instructor Sensei Peggy Hess 7th Dan from Boston U.S.A. visited the Brentwood School Sports Centre. Sensei Hess has spent many years in Okinawa training with the Masters of Shohei and Uechi Ryu and as you would expect her knowledge is exstensive.
Sensei Dave Harris who recently achieved his 6th Dan during a visit to Okinawa very kindly brought Peggy to the Brentwood Dojo and also participated in the Seminar. Sensei Harris hosted a training session with Peggy the previous day which was attended by Sensei Barry Coles, who reported that he was able to take advantage of a personal tuition and that it had been very rewarding. Sensei Coles added that Peggy looked very closely at his form in Sanchin and some of Hojo Undo, and said that the level of feedback from Peggy was amazing. Barry added that Peggy spent a lot of time offering advice on the Sanchin stance which is the basis Uechi-Ryu / Uechi-Ryu Karate, and trying to maintain elbow and shoulder positions to increase power of the strikes and maintaining a strong core. Barry said that the hard work at the training sessions had been very worthwhile, and that having Peggy's critical eye, looking at techniques, was invaluable.
A big thank you to our friends at the Uechi-Ryu Association G.B.'s Director Dave Harris and Chairman Mick Pappas who helped in arranging the visit, and of course a big thank you to Sensei Peggy Hess for taking the time to pass on her expertise, it was very much appreciated.
Training at the Brentwood Dojo
From left to right, Jennifer Lock, Joshua Hanna, Sensei Peggy Hess, Gary Ott, Sensei Barry Coles, Sensei Ian Weatherley, Sensei Dave Harris, Thomas Schofield, Jaqueline Purser, Jamie Strathearn and Don King.
Spring (Mar - May) 2016 Grading Exanination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Harley Cowell - 27.4.16
Libby Garnett - 1.3.16
Amy Kirwin - 27.4.16
Jack Kirwin - 27.4.16
9th Kyu
Fred Browning - 1.3.16
Katy Garnett 1.3.16
2nd Kyu
Joseph Taylor - 28.4.16
11th Kyu
Abigail Knight - 4.3.16
9th Kyu
Kamen Georgiov - 16.5.16
Jun 2nd Kyu
Ross Jordon - 21.3.16
Jack Solder - 21.3.16
12th Kyu
Abigail Coles - 23.3.16
9th Kyu
Natalie Rix - 10.5.16
7th Kyu
Edward Knowles - 12.5.16
Thomas Knowles - 12.5.16
William Phillips - 10.5.16
6th Kyu
Henry Steel - 19.5.16
Posted 18th May 2016
Paul Natzyl's Visit to U.K. Spring 2016
During a recent visit to the U.K., Paul met up with many students of the Association. Andrew Worth, who arranges the social events for the group put together an evening for everyone to catch up with each other, which was a enjoyed by all.
During Paul's visit, he attended classes held at Billericay, Rayleigh and Wickford dojos formerly taught by himself and now run by Barry Coles. Paul also taught at an Association seminar held at the Wickford dojo, which was arranged by Barry Coles. The seminar was a great success and was attended by 25 members.
Paul said that he had a great time visiting the clubs and teaching at the seminar and still has a great affection for the Association. Paul will be returning next year when possibly a grading and seminar will be held.
In the photo in no particular order can be seen, Jennifer Lock, Louis Boettenger, Gary Ott, Martin Seal, Louis Seal, Joshua Seal, Harley Cowell, William Phillips, Edward Knowles, Thomas Knowles, John Pike, Daniel Longhurst, Stacie Longhurst, Euan Weatherley, Ian Weatherley, Max Richardson, Henry Davidson, Jacqueline Purser, Rajet Jadhav, Daniel Tanner, Derek Charlton, Bill Spring, Sophia Coles, Abigail Coles, Barry Coles and Paul Natzyl
Posted 19th January 2016
Paul Natzyl's Planned Visit to U.K. in Spring 2016.
Paul Natzyl is planning to visit the U.K. again this year. Paul will be visiting the U.K. between the 20th April and 8th May, during which time he will be visiting family, friends and U.K. Karate students.
Winter (Dec - Feb)2015 - 2016 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Daniel Tanner - 5.2.16
Daniel Tanner
George Portlock - 5.2.16
10th Kyu
Harry Dackombe - 5.2.16
Harry Dackombe
Rajat Jadhav - 25.2.16
12th Kyu
Daniel Dioge - 26.2.16
Leah Knight - 26.2.16
11th Kyu
Connor Knight - 26.2.16
Jack Pryce - 26.2.16
7th Kyu
Max Richardson - 26.2.16
9th Kyu
Matthew Lock - 8.2.16
8th Kyu
Lewis Seal - 8.2.16
7th Kyu
Joshua Seal - 8.2.16
12th Kyu
Chelsea Gibbons - 23.2.16
Holly Gibbons - 23.2.16
Stacie Longhhurst - 25.2.16
Ben Rix - 23.2.16
11th Kyu
Jessica Hollman - 23.2.16
Summer (Jun - Aug)2015 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
10th Kyu
Danny Rafael - 26.6.15
1st Dan
Ben Howard - 13.6.15
Michael King - 13.6.15
Alexander Quinn - 13.6.15
12th Kyu
Abigail Knight - 26.6.15
Connor Knight - 26.5.15
Jack Pryce - 26.5.15
11th Kyu
Mia Woolard - 31.7.15
8th Kyu
Max Richardson - 26.6.15
Max Richardson
3rd Kyu
Joshua Hanna - 2.7.15
2nd Kyu
Elizabeth Hanna - 2.7.15
1st Dan
Thomas Schofield - 13.6.15
Divyen Vanniasegaram - 13.6.15
9th Kyu
Max Ellis - 22.6.15
Lewis Seal - 22.6.15
8th Kyu
Joshua Seal - 22.6.15
1st Dan
Jennifer Lock - 13.6.15
2nd Dan
Reggie Went - 13.6.15
Joe Rapley - 13.6.15
9th Kyu
Louis Boettger - 25.6.15
7th Kyu
Henry Steel - 25.6.15
Posted 7th July 2015
President Paul Natzyl's Visit to UK
Paul Natzyl visited the UK in June and attended many of the Shi Gakko Shudan clubs belonging to the U.K. Association as well as hosting a Black Belt grading. Paul said that it was wonderful to be back and see many of the U.K. students. He was delighted that so many had continued to show their keen interest in the art and also to be able to meet some of the new students. He also commented that it was very satisfying to be able to maintain an active roll in the affairs of the U.K. Association, which Paul now operates from New Zealand.
President Paul Natzyl
Posted 7th July 2015
Dan Grading 13.6.15
On the 13th June 2015 a Dan Grading was held at the Brentwood School Sports Centre, home to the Brentwood branch of the Shi Gakko Shudan.
Nine students were examined, eight from the various clubs belonging to the Shi Gakko Shudan and one from the Orpington Club.
The grading panel included the President of the UK Association, Paul Natzyl and Senior Members, Derek Charlton, Barry Coles, Tony Coles, Simon Lee and Ian Weatherley. Roy Stevens was also invited by the panel to participate as a guest examiner for the occassion.
Barry Coles, Shi Gakko Shudan Head Instructor said the standard was very high this year due to the hard work and dedication shown by all of the students. Well done everyone! We look forward to continuing with your training and may your success prove and inspiration to all.
President Paul Natzyl, former owner and instructor of the Shi Gakko Shudan said that he was very proud of the students and the way they had performed on the day. He added that it was a priviledge to be able to grade the students to Black Belt after teaching them for so many years. Paul also congratulated Barry on getting everyone prepared and to the correct standard for examination.
Congratulations to the following nine participants for passing their various grades.
Ben Howard - 1st Dan
Michael King - 1st Dan
Jennifer Lock - 1st Dan
Jennifer Lock Jennifer Lock showed tenacity and dedication along with a lot of hard work to achieve her grade.
Alexander Quinn - 1st Dan
Thomas Schofield - 1st Dan
Divyen Vanniasegaram - 1st Dan
Divyen Vannasiagram Divyen Vanniasegaram achieved his grade in the nick of time along with Alex and Thomas. All off to University later in the year.
Joe Rapley - 2nd Dan
Reggie Went - 2nd Dan
Rodolfo Picciau - 3rd Dan
From left to right, Rodolfo Picciau, Ben Howard, Divyen Vanniasegaram, Thomas Schofield, Reggie Went, Michael King, Alexander Siddle, Joe Rapley and Jennifer Lock
From left to right, Rodolfo Picciau, Ben Howard, Divyen Vanniasegaram, Thomas Schofield, Reggie Went, Michael King, Alexander Siddle, Joe Rapley and Jennifer Lock
Back row, left to right, Roy Stevens, Barry Coles, Tony Coles, Derek Charlton, Paul Natzyl, ian Weatherley, Simon Lee. Front row, left to right, Rodolfo Picciau, Ben Howard, Divyen Vanniasegaram, Thomas Schofield, Reggie Went, Michael King, Alexander Siddle, Joe Rapley and Jennifer Lock
Back row, left to right, Roy Stevens, Barry Coles, Tony Coles, Derek Charlton, Paul Natzyl, ian Weatherley, Simon Lee. Front row, left to right, Rodolfo Picciau, Ben Howard, Divyen Vanniasegaram, Thomas Schofield, Reggie Went, Michael King, Alexander Siddle, Joe Rapley and Jennifer Lock
Posted 20th May 2015
Al Wharton Visit.
On the 11th of March we were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to train with Sensei Al Wharton from Bermuda. Sensei who has recently moved to the U.K..
The Shi Gakko Shudan Clubs have established a good relationship with the 8th Dan Karate Master in Uechi-Ryu through a friendship he has with one of the Association's instructors Derek Charlton, and has been a regular visitor to the various clubs during previous U.K. visits. Sensei Wharton has been a member of the Uechi-Ryu Hall of Fame for the past 20 years and has also been the Bermudan National Coach.
There was a great turn out of students for the 2 hour seminar. Sensei Wharton went through the applications of the katas, expanding our awareness of the various stances and techniques, to create power and to apply the moves in ways not thought of before. We were privileged to also be shown some of the tactics that Sensei Wharton uses whilst sparring and in addition some conditioning drills.
A great session was had by everyone, and much knowledge was gained. Our hope is that that we will be able to train with Sensei Wharton later on in the year.
A thank you to everyone that attended the class, which will be remembered. A huge thank you to Sensei Wharton for his visit.
Picture taken at a previous visit of Derek Charlton, Al Wharton and Paul Natzyl
Posted 30th March 2015
Paul Natzyl's Plans to Visit U.K. in Summer 2015
Paul Natzyl
Hi to all,
I'm planning to visit the U.K. in June of this year. I will be spending a couple of weeks visiting family, friends and clubs belonging to the U.K. Association. I will also be attending the Associations black belt grading to be held on the 13th June 2015 at the Brentwood School Sports Centre , starting at 3.00 p.m..
I can't wait to visit the clubs and look forward to meeting some of the new members that have joined since my move to NZ. It will give me great pleasure to be part of the examination board once again, and being able to test students whom I had taught for so many years, for their Black Belt grades.
Winter (Dec - Feb) 2014 - 2015 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
George Portlock - 12.12.14
Goerge Portlock
12th Kyu
Mia Evans - 12.12.14
Mia Evans
Posted 24th December 2014
Seasons Greetings From Paul Natzyl in New Zealand
Hi to all.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from New Zealand. I have missed you all but have been keeping in regular contact with Barry and his wife Clare about what's going on at the clubs. It's gives me great satisfaction to see that so many of you are continuing with your training and offering so much support to Barry, please keep it up. I have established 5 clubs here in New Zealand since arriving and have taught over 80 students over the few months. I am very pleased with the progress made so far.
I am going to miss the traditional U.K. Christmas but a trip to the beach on Christmas Day is going to make an enjoyable change. Please keep in touch and hope to see you in 2015 sometime. Visting the clubs will certainly be one of my priorities., so see you then.
My very best regards
to you all.
Posted 15th December 2014
Class Cancellations - Dec 2014 & Jan 2015
During December we will be closed for the following dates
Wednesday 24th December 2014 - South Green and Castle Hall - cancelled
Thursday 25th December 2014 - Shotgate and South Green - cancelled
Friday 26th December 2014 - South Green and Brentwood - cancelled
Monday 29th December 2014 - Mill Hall - cancelled
Tuesday 30th December 2014 - Shotgate and Billericay - cancelled
Wednesday 31st December 2014 - South Green and Castle Hall - cancelled
Thursday 1st January 2015 - Shotgate and South Green cancelled
We will be back to training as usual on Friday 2nd January 2015 with Fighting Fit on Saturday 3rd January 2015. We look forward to seeing you all then.
We hope you all have a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Kind regards and best wishes.
Autumn (Sep - Nov) 2014 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Oliver Scrimshaw - 29.10.14
Oliver Scrimshaw
10th Kyu
Freddie Rayner 31.10.14
Danny Rafael - 31.10.14
Jack Sawyer - 31.10.14
Freddie, Jack & Danny
11th Kyu
Frankie Farrelly - 14.11.14
Barry Coles & Frankie Farrelly
11th Kyu
Max Ellis - 13.10.14
Lewis Seal - 13.10.14
10th Kyu
Dylan Folley-Nichols - 13.10.14
James Ring-Akers - 13.10.14
Joshua Seal - 13.10.14
11th Kyu
Louis Boettger - 16.10.14
Posted 29th October 2014
Okinawan Master Instructor Sensei Yamashiro Visits the U.K.
On Friday 10th October 2014, Karate Master Sensei Yamashiro visited the Brentwood club. His flying visit only lasted for about an hour, but during that time the students of the Okinawa Karate Association U.K. were able to take advantage of the 8th Dan Masters tuition. The class were put through their paces with a variety of punching and kicking drills. Sensei Yamashiro normally visits the U.K. for only a week at a time and has a busy schedule trying to visit most of the students in the U.K practicing both Uechi-Ryu and Uechi-Ryu.
Left to right, Andrew Worth, Barry Coles, Hirokuni Yamashiro, David Harris and Jacqueline Purser
Posted 28th October 2014
Update from Paul Natzyl in New Zealand
Success so far, I have been able to open 5 clubs in total, mainly teaching children at this stage, in Brightwater, Lower Moutere, Mapua, Upper Moutere and Ngatimoti. In the opening week I taught about 60 students, so pleased with success so far.
Posted 19th September 2014
News From Paul Natzyl in New Zealand
Hi to everyone in the UK, I hope your training is going well. Settling in here gradually and have set about acquiring halls and students for the NZ branch of our Association. Have clubs opening in Mapua, Lower Moutere and Upper Moutere towards the end of October. I have also starting making plans and arranging equipment for a Kick Boxing class in Upper Moutere, similar to the Fighting Fit class that I used to run and now revived by Barry Coles (Barry's class is held first Saturday of every month at Castle Hall, Rayleigh).
I have included some photos below of the local area. Further updates will follow soon.
Temporary accomodation in Upper Mouter
View of Mt. Arthur
Ruby Bay
Tasman Bay
Ruby Bay Looking towards Mapua and Rabbit Island
Tahunanui Beach near Nelson
Rabbit Island looking towards Ruby Bay
Rabbit Island looking towards Nelson
Posted 27th June 2014
Message from Paul Natzyl regarding move to New Zealand.
Paul Natzyl
After 28 years of teaching the Shi Gakko Shudan Karate clubs, it is with great sadness, that I have to inform you that I will be handing the clubs over and we will be emigrating to New Zealand. Despite the attraction of living in New Zealand, the decision has been very hard for me to make for various reasons, one of which is having to leave all of you.
Uechi-Ryu is not taught in New Zealand at present. I therefore intend to establish the style there by opening some clubs and forming a New Zealand Association. For the foreseeable future, I will also remain President of the Okinawa Karate Association U.K. and will endeavour to visit the U.K. from time to time. The senior members of the U.K. Association, Derek Charlton, Barry Coles, Tony Coles, Simon Lee, Ken Smith and Ian Weatherley will act on my behalf.
The Shi Gakko Shudan clubs will continue under the instruction of Barry Coles. Barry is one of the highest ranked Uechi-Ryu Instuctors in the U.K., holding the rank of 5th Dan. Many of you will have met Barry already, as he has taught for me during my absence in the past. I am confident in Barry's ability and comfortable with him taking over the clubs. Im sure he will bring his own special contribution to the group. I ask that you will help him, by giving your full support and co-operation. Barry will take over from me on Tuesday 26th August 2014. My last lesson will be held on Friday 22nd August 2014 at the Brentwood School Sports Centre.
Barry Coles
I have devoted most of my life to Karate and have felt very priviledged to have made it my career. Over the years I have met so many wonderful people, made many friends and have many memories to treasure, for which I thank you.
You can keep in touch with my progress via the above website and also contact me on the email address above. I will post any other contact details on the website as things develop.
My very best regards to you all. I will miss you very much.
Summer (Jun - Aug) 2014 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Freya Godfrey - 13.06.14
6th Kyu
Rebecca Grtiffin - 13.06.14
5th Kyu
Alfie Goddard 27.06.14
Henry Rayner 27.06.14
7th Kyu
Jamie Strathearn - 20.06.14
Jun 3rd Kyu
Connie Forman - 13.06.14
2nd Kyu
Adam Palmer - 02.06.14
3rd Kyu
Alexander Siddle - 02.06.14
Spring (Mar - May) 2014 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Daniel Rafael - 16.05.14
12th Kyu
Lewis Brandom - 09.05.14
Frankie Farelly - 09.05.14
Max Ellis 12.05.14
11th Kyu
Isabelle Dolman - 30.05.14
10th Kyu
Ali Sharief - 23.05.14
9th Kyu
Hamish Baumber - 09.05.14
Max Parry - 09.05.14
Max Richardson - 09.05.14
8th Kyu
Dennis Bandidin - 07.03.14
12th Kyu
Lewis Seal - 12.05.14
11th Kyu
Daniel Folley-Nicholls - 19.05.14
James Ring-Akers - 19.05.14
Joshua Seal - 12.05.14
12th Kyu
Louis Boettger - 05.05.14
11th Kyu
Natalie Rix - 13.05.14
8th Kyu
Jenson Mills - 08.05.14
William Phillips - 08.05.14
6th Kyu
Steven Mutuku - 08.05.14
Jun 5th Kyu
Kiara Beetwell - 06.05.14
Jun 3rd Kyu
Joseph Phillips - 08.05.14
Posted 19th May 2014
Dan Grading Result, Saturday 17th May 2014
A Dan grading was held at Mill Hall in Rayleigh, Essex on Saturday 17th May 2014. The grading was held between 10.30 a.m. and 12.00 Noon. Roy Stevens and John Pike from the Rayleigh club both tested for 2nd Dan and were both successful. Our congratulations to John and Roy.
Grading panel and examinees, left to right, Paul Natzyl, Ian Weatherley, Barry Coles, John Pike, Roy Stevens, Tony Coles, Simon Lee and Derek Charlton.
Grading panel, left to right, Paul Natzyl, Barry Coles, Ian Weatherley, Tony Coles, Simon Lee and Derek Charlton.
Roy Stevens and John Pike
Winter (Dec - Feb) 2013 - 2014 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
11th Kyu
Freddie Rayner - 14.02.14
Jack Sawyer - 07.02.14
10th Kyu
Freya Godfrey - 31.01.14
Jun 5th Kyu
Alfie Goddard - 14.02.14
7th Kyu
Lucas Godfrey - 31.01.14
Rebecca Griffin - 31.01.14
4th Kyu
Christopher Hansford - 30.01.14
Jun 5th Kyu
Henry Rayner - 05.02.14
5th Kyu
Cole Godfrey - 07.02.14
Matthew Griffin - 07.02.14
Thomas Munn - 05.02.14
Jun 3rd Kyu
Thomas Betts - 11.02.14
Joshua Hanna - 30.01.14
3rd Kyu
Joshua Brazil - 30.01.14
Jun 2nd Kyu
Matthew Cruse - 11.02.14
Elizabeth Hanna - 30.01.14
2nd Kyu
James Dovey - 06.02.14
1st Kyu
Alexander Quinn - 30.01.14
12th Kyu
Isabelle Dolman - 07.02.14
11th Kyu
Ali Sharief - 31.01.14
10th Kyu
Hamish Baumber - 31.01.14
Max Parry - 31.01.14
Max Richardson - 31.01.14
8th Kyu
Jamie Strathearn - 07.02.14
6th Kyu
Anthony Griffin - 31.01.14
Don King - 31.01.14
Jun 5th Kyu
Henry Davison - 07.02.14
4th Kyu
Connie Forman - 31.01.14
12th Kyu
Dylan Folley-Nicholls 13.01.14
James Ring-Akers - 13.01.14
Joshua Seal - 20.01.14
3rd Kyu
Ross Jordan - 24.02.14
Jack Solder - 24.02.14
12th Kyu
Natalie Rix - 21.01.14
9th Kyu
Jenson Mills - 30.01.14
William Phillips - 30.01.14
Dion Spooner - 21.01.14
8th Kyu
Alonzo Downey - 30.01.14
Edwards Knowles - 06.02.14
Thomas Knowles - 06.02.14
7th Kyu
Steven Mutuku - 28.01.14
6th Kyu
Ciara Beetwell - 11.02.14
4th Kyu
Joseph Phillips - 30.01.14
Jun 3rd Kyu
Luke Beetwell - 30.01.14
3rd Kyu
Joseph Taylor - 13.02.14
Autumn (Sep - Nov) 2013 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Freddie Rayner - 18.10.13
Jack Sawyer - 18.10.13
10th Kyu
Jack McIntyre - 24.10.13
8th Kyu
Rebecca Griffin - 18.10.13
Jun 5th Kyu
Thomas Munn - 16.10.13
7th Kyu
Gowtham Ragavan - 24.10.13
Jake Roberts - 16.10.13
6th Kyu
Alfie Goddard - 18.10.13
Henry Rayner - 18.10.13
Thomas Betts - 15.10.13
Jun 2nd Kyu
David Munn - 16.10.13
Hannah Munn -16.10.13
Paul Natzyl with Henry and Freddie Rayner and Jack and Alfie Goddard
Jun 4th Kyu
Connie Forman - 08.11.13
12th Kyu
Luke Raiman - 17.10.13
Toby Raiman - 17.10.13
Tommy Sheehan - 17.10.13
10th Kyu
Jenson Mills - 17.10.13
9th Kyu
Alonzo Downey - 17.10.13
Edward Knowles - 17.10.13
Thomas Knowles - 17.10.13
8th Kyu
Steven Mutuku - 15.10.13
Henry Steel - 17.10.13
7th Kyu
Ciara Beetwell - 15.10.13
Jun 4th Kyu
Joseph Phillips - 17.10.13
Jun 3rd Kyu
Alexander Siddle - 17.10.13
Posted 8th October 2013
Seminar with Hirokuni Yamashiro San, 8th Dan Black Belt.
Hirokuni Yamashiro San
On Saturday 5th October 2013, the Okinawa Karate Association U.K. hosted a seminar for it's students and those of the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association G.B. to train with 8th Dan Black Belt and Shihan (Master Instructor), Sensei Hirokuni Yamashiro. Students from Essex joined those from Cambridge, Kent and London for the 3 hour seminar with the Okinawan Master of Uechi-Ryu Karate.
The training held at Brentwood School Sports Centre, formed part of many training opportunities arranged by the two U.K. Associations. Other locations on Yamashiro San's (Mr.) itinerary are London, Oxford and Kent.
Thirty six karateka (students of Karate) attended and were given instruction on Kata, Daiti Yakosoku Kumite and Saneiryu Bankai. Children from about the age of 9 and adults were able to train together, which enabled several families to take advantage of this unique experience. Younger children had the option to train for just half the seminar.
Sanchin Kata
Sanchin Kata
Dait Yakosoku Kumite and Sanseiryu Bankai being practiced by senior grades
Sensei Yamashiro with some of the group
During his visit to Essex, Yamashiro San was also able to enjoy one of his favorite pastimes at the Crondon Park Golf Course.
Posted 11th September 2013
Hirokuni Yamashiro San, 8th Dan Black Belt to Visit U.K.
Hirokuni Yamashiro San
Hirokuni Yamashiro San will be visiting the U.K. once again, and will be teaching at Brentwood, Essex. Adults and children from 9 years of age belonging to the Okinawa Karate Association U.K. and the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association (G.B.), will be able to attend the training session.
Hirokuni Yamashiro San is ranked Kyoshi 8th Dan Black Belt, and is a representative of the parent Association in Okinawa, Japan. This is a rare opportunity to train with an Okinawan instructor of such high rank and should not be missed.
Details of seminar are as follows.
Saturday 5th October 2013
Old School Gym
Brentwood School Sports Centre
Middleton Hall lane
CM15 8EE
2.30 p.m. Start first session
3.45 p.m. Stop for break
4.00 p.m. Start second session
5.15 p.m. Final speeches, talk with Yamashiro San, photos etc.
5.30 p.m. Finish
Cost for the whole training session - £12.00.
Cost for half the training session - £6.00 (optional for children under 12 years only).
Payment by Cash or Cheque. Cheques payable to P. Natzyl.
Receipts from the event are needed by the Okinawa Karate Association U.K. to go towards venue hire, transportation and other costs incurred by Yamashiro San's visit. I therefore respectfully ask all attendees to pay regardless of rank, position or any other circumstances they may have. Payment to be made prior to admission.
Booking forms can be obtained by phoning / texting 07931 100054 or
Summer (Jun - Aug) 2013 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
11th Kyu
Freya Godfrey - 26.06.13
Jack McIntrye - 13.06.13
10th Kyu
Thomas Atkinson 19.06.13
9th Kyu
Connor Pracy - 12.06.13
7th Kyu
Alfie Goddard - 14.06.13
Henry Rayner - 14.06.13
Jun 3rd Kyu
Joshua Brazil - 13.06.13
6th Kyu
Thomas Munn - 12.06.13
2nd Kyu
Alexander Quinn - 13.06.13
Euan Weatherley - 18.06.13
9th Kyu
Tony Lopez - 16.08.13
6th Kyu
Jamie Warman - 17.06.13
Jessica Warman - 17.06.13
Jun 3rd Kyu
Ross Jordan - 17.06.13
Jack Solder - 17.06.13
11th Kyu
Jenson Mills - 13.06.13
Trisa Mutuku - 04.07.13
10th Kyu
William Phillips - 12.06.13
Dion Spooner - 18.06.13
9th Kyu
Steven Mutuku - 04.07.13
8th Kyu
Ciara Beetwell - 18.06.13
5th Kyu
Joseph Phillips - 12.06.13
Spring (Mar - May) 2013 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Ali Sharief - 15.03.13
11th Kyu
Hamish Baumber - 08.03.13
Eleanor Brown - 08.03.13
Max Parry - 08.03.13
Max Richardson - 22.03.13
9th Kyu
Dennis Bandidin - 22.03.13
Jamie Strathearn - 15.03.13
5th Kyu
Connie Forman - 08.03.13
12th Kyu
Bradley Down - 22.03.13
Freya Godfrey - 06.03.13
Louis Rothon - 06.03.13
10th Kyu
Connor Pracy - 13.03.13
8th Kyu
Alfie Goddard - 08.03.13
Lucas Godfrey - 06.03.13
Oliver O'Mahoney - 13.03.13
Jake Roberts - 13.03.13
7th Kyu
Thomas Munn - 06.03.13
Jack Walsh - 13.03.13
Jun 5th Kyu
Cole Godfrey - 13.03.13
Matthew Griffin - 13.03.13
Jun 4th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 05.03.13
4th Kyu
Joshua Hanna - 07.03.13
James Mullis - 19.03.13
3rd Kyu
Matthew Cruse - 19.03.13
Elizabeth Hanna - 07.03.13
David Munn - 06.03.13
1st Kyu
Liam Gosnell - 05.03.13
George Hayday - 14.03.13
7th Kyu
Jamie Warman - 04.03.13
Jessica Warman - 04.03.13 4th Kyu
George Elliott - 04.03.13
1st Dan
Joe Rapley - 04.05.13
Reggie Went - 04.05.13
5th Dan
Barry Coles - 04.05.13
12th Kyu
Jenson Mills - 07.03.13
Trisa Mutuku - 05.03.13
10th Kyu
Edward Knowles - 05.03.13
Thomas Knowles - 05.03.13
Steven Mutuku - 05.03.13
9th Kyu
Ciara Beetwell - 05.03.13
Henry Steel - 07.03.13
8th Kyu
Aaron Hanscombe - 07.03.13
5th Kyu
Elizabeth Siddle - 07.03.13
4th Kyu
Luke Beetwell - 05.03.13
Dan Grading 4th May 2013
The following students took part in the Association's Dan Grade examination on Saturday 4th May 2013 and were successful in achieving the following ranks.
Joe Rapley - 1st Dan
Reggie Went - 1st Dan
Lee Adams - 5th Dan
Barry Coles - 5th Dan
The grading examination took place at the Brentwood School Sports Centre in Brentwood, Essex.
Back row, left to right, examiners Derek Charlton, Simon Lee, Ian Weatherley, Tony Coles and Paul Natzyl. Front row, examinees Lee Adams, Barry Coles, Reggie Went and Joe Rapley.
Winter (Dec - Feb) 2012 / 2013 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
7th Kyu
Anthony Griffin - 07.12.12
Don King - 07.12.12
Jun 3rd Kyu
Joshua Brazil - 22.11.12
9th Kyu
Jason Richer - 25.11.12
6th Kyu
Elizabeth Siddle - 29.11.12
Jun 3rd Kyu
Joseph Taylor - 06.12.12
Sensei Al Wharton Visits Billericay Club
Sensei Al Wharton 8th Dan Black Belt from Bermuda paid a visit to the Billericay club on Tuesday 8th January 2013. There was short notice of the Uechi-Ryu Master's visit but several students from the Shi Gakko Shudan managed to re-arrange their schedules in order to attend.
During the one and a half lesson, Sensei Wharton took the group through katas and Kumite along with some practical self-defence applications. Sensei Wharton is friends with Bromley club instructor Derek Charlton, who was also in attendance. Sensei Wharton is here to spend some time with his family in the U.K.
Sensei Wharton Teaching Bankai
Sensei Wharton Correcting Kata
Shi Gakko Shudan Members with Sensei Wharton
Derek Charlton, Al Wharton and Paul Natzyl
Rayleigh Club, Traditional Christmas Celebration
Students at the Castle Hall club in Rayleigh, Essex celebrated the forthcoming festive season on Wednesday 19th December 2012. The humble party has been a tradition at the club for many years and is the only club within the Shi Gakko Shudan to celebrate in this way. The Castle Hall club was the first club that Paul Natzyl opened indipendent of his instructor, Ron Ship. The club therefore has a special significance within the group.
The celebration stems from a story that Paul's instuctor Ron once told to him, about it being a tradition for Okinawan instructors to offer their students a celebratory drink at Christmas time. All of the students would participate by sitting in a circle on the floor and then the instructor would pour the first drink. A toast would then be made. Thereafter the students would be able help themselves. Paul therefore wished to keep this tradition alive and what better club to do it at than the Castle Hall club.
Students left to right, John Pike, Lucy Bowman, Darren Akers, Tony Coles, Barry Coles, Ian Weatherley, Jacqueline Purser and Jennifer Lock. (Photographer - Paul Natzyl)
Autumn (Sep - Nov) 2012 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Hamish Baumber - 26.10.12
Max Parry - 26.10.12
Max Richardson - 26.10.12
9th Kyu
Kevin Baumber - 26.10.12
Jun 5th Kyu
Connie Forman - 26.10.12
1st Kyu
Thomas Schofield - 26.10.12
Divyen Vanniasegaram - 26.10.12
12th Kyu
Milly Elliott-Young - 09.11.12
Jack McIntyre - 25.10.12
11th Kyu
Harrison Aylott - 31.10.12
Connor Pracy - 10.10.12
9th Kyu
Alfie Goddard - 02.11.12
Lucas Godfrey - 31.10.12
Oliver O'Mahoney - 07.11.12
Henry Rayner - 02.11.12
Jake Roberts - 17.10.12
8th Kyu
Thomas Munn - 17.10.12
Gowtham Ragavan - 08.11.12
Jack Walsh - 17.10.12
6th Kyu
Cole Godfrey - 31.10.12
Matthew Griffin - 17.10.12
5th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 16.10.12
Jun 4th Kyu
Christopher Hansford - 08.11.12
Jun 3rd Kyu
Elizabeth Hanna - 01.11.12
David Munn - 17.10.12
3rd Kyu
Rachel Hayday - 25.10.12
Hannah Munn - 17.10.12
Harrison Aylott
8th Kyu
Jamie Warman - 08.10.12
Jessica Warman - 15.10.12
4th Kyu
Ross Jordan - 22.10.12
Jack Solder - 22.10.12
2nd Kyu
Lucy Bowman - 07.11.12
1st Kyu
Darren Akers - 07.11.12
12th Kyu
Alfie Barke - 16.10.12
Joe Elliott-Sheekey - 09.10.12
11th Kyu
Edward Knowles - 09.10.12
Thomas Knowles - 09.10.12
Steven Mutuku - 09.10.12
Dion Spooner - 16.10.12
10th Kyu
Ciara Beetwell - 09.10.12
Alonzo Downey - 09.10.12
Henry Steel - 09.10.12
9th Kyu
Aaron Hanscombe - 25.10.12
6th Kyu
James Goddard - 25.10.12
Jun 5th Kyu
Joseph Phillips - 25.10.12
Jun 4th Kyu
Luke Beetwell - 09.10.12
Jun 2nd Kyu
Adam Palmer - 25.10.12
Lewis Palmer - 25.10.12
Nicholas Wilkins Opens New Club in Cambridge, Cambs
A new club has opened in Cambridge, Cambs and has been started by Nick Wilkins a student of Paul Natzyl and a member of the Shi Gakko Shudan (Four School Group). Nick passed his Black Belt last year and has been studying at Cambridge University. Nick is hoping to blend basic self-defence with the Uechi-Ryu syllabus along with other techniques taken from various Martial Arts, in the true tradition of the Shi Gakko Group.
Classes are held at Clare College, The Colony, Chesterton Lane, Cambridge CB4 3AA every Monday between 5.00 p.m. and 6.30 p.m.. Nick can be contacted by email at nmw33@cam.ac.uk.
Nicholas Wilkins 1st Dan Black Belt Instructor
Summer (Jun - Aug) 2012 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
10th Kyu
Shannon Thompson - 25.06.12
9th Kyu
Isabelle Lewis - 25.06.12
Jamie Warman - 25.06.12
Jessica Warman - 25.06.12
12th Kyu
Steven Mutuku - 26.06.12
4th Kyu
Alexander Siddle - 28.06.12
Joseph Taylor - 28.06.12
Tony Coles Club Opens In Grays, Essex
Tony Coles new club has now opened and has had some success in attracting children from the local community. Tony said that he has had small classes but has seen a steady growth in numbers over the weeks. It is hoped that once the schools return after the Summer holidays that things will settle down and that the club will grow in numbers.
New Club to Open in Grays, Essex
A new club for children is to open in Grays, Essex soon. Shi Gakko Group Instructor, 4th Dan Black Belt Tony Coles will be opening the new club in Grays on Wednesday 18th July 2012 with a 1 hour lesson for children between 3.30 p.m. and 4.30 p.m., at the Stanley Lazell Hall, Dell Road, Grays, Essex RM17 5JZ. Enquiries should be made to Tony Coles on tel. no. 07961 719784. Tony is hoping to provide classes for adults soon, so please contact him if you are interested.
The opening of the new club in Grays will expand the Okinawa Karate Association U.K to 7 clubs, providing classes for children and adults at different location throughout Essex and Kent, almost doubling the number of clubs it started with 18 months ago.
Tony Coles 4th Dan Black Belt Instructor
Spring (Mar - May) 2012 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Connor Pracy 14.03.12
10th Kyu
Oliver O'Mahoney - 28.03.12
Henry Rayner - 27.04.12
Jake Roberts - 28.03.12
9th Kyu
Gowtham Ragavan - 26.04.12
Jun 5th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 17.04.12
Bobby Elliot-Young - 26.04.12
Lia Elliot-Young - 26.04.12
Jun 2nd Kyu
James Dovey - 26.04.12
12th Kyu
Eleanor Brown - 20.04.12
Robert Vasylchuk - 20.04.12
11th Kyu
Georgie O'Hare - 20.04.12
12th Kyu
Edward Knowles - 22.05.12
Thomas Knowles - 22.05.12
William Phillips - 22.05.12
Dion Spooner - 22.05.12
11th Kyu
Ciara Beetwell - 22.05.12
Alonzo Downey - 24.04.12
Henry Steel - 01.05.12
Emily Wood - 26.04.12
10th Kyu
Aaron Hanscomb - 26.04.12
6th Kyu
Joseph Phillips - 26.04.12
Jun 4th Kyu
Ross Jordan - 26.04.12
Jack Solder - 26.04.12
Winter (Dec - Feb) 2011 - 2012 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
11th Kyu
Thomas Atkinson - 25.01.12
Henry Rayner - 20.01.12
10th Kyu
Lucas Godfrey - 25.01.12
Rebecca Griffin - 25.01.12
9th Kyu
Thomas Munn - 25.01.12
Jack Walsh - 25.01.12
7th Kyu
Cole Godfrey - 25.01.12
Matthew Griffin - 25.01.12
6th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 24.01.12
Connie Forman - 24.02.12
Jun 4th Kyu
William Dovey - 26.01.12
4th Kyu
Joshua Brazil - 26.01.12
David Munn - 25.01.12
Jun 3rd Kyu
Rachel Hayday - 26.01.12
Nathan Hughes - 26.01.12
Luke Kempin - 24.01.12
Hannah Munn - 25.01.12
3rd Kyu
Hannah Quinn - 26.01.12
Jun 2nd Kyu
Alexander Quinn - 26.01.12
Euan Weatherley - 26.01.12
Jun 1st Kyu
George Hayday - 26.01.12
8th Kyu
Anthony Griffin - 20.01.12
Don King - 20.01.12
5th Kyu
Delorez McKay - 02.12.11
2nd Kyu
Benjamin Coote - 02.12.11
Jun 1st Kyu
Thomas Schofield - 02.12.11
Divyen Vanniasegaram - 02.12.11
11th Kyu
Shannon Thompson - 27.02.12
10th Kyu
Isabelle Lewis - 27.02.12
Jamie Warman - 27.02.12
Jessica Warman - 27.02.12
5th Kyu
George Elliott - 14.03.12
12th Kyu
William Phillips - 22.12.11
7th Kyu
James Goddard - 02.02.12
Joseph Phillips - 22.12.11
Elizabeth Siddle - 22.12.11
5th Kyu
Ross Jordan 01.12.11
Jack Solder 01.12.11
Autumn (Sep - Nov) 2011 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Harrison Aylott - 04.11.11
Henry Rayner - 23.09.11
Ethan Sullivan - 23.09.11
11th Kyu
Oliver O'Shauhnessy - 16.11.11
Jake Roberts - 16.11.11
10th Kyu
Alfie Goddard - 23.09.11
Gowtham Ragavan - 24.11.11
Jack Walsh - 21.09.11
8th Kyu
Cole Godfrey - 21.09.11
7th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 23.09.11
Connie Forman - 23.09.11
4th Kyu
Katie Kempin - 22.09.11
Jun 3rd Kyu
Matthew Cruse - 23.09.11
12th Kyu
Georgie O'Hare - 25.11.11
8th Kyu
Alomar Sarief - 23.09.11
Alshariff Sharief - 23.09.11
6th Kyu
Henry Davison - 23.09.11
5th Kyu
Tyler Bandidin - 23.09.11
Jun 4th Kyu
Joshua Hanna
4th Kyu
Elizabeth Hanna - 23.09.11
3rd Dan
Simon Lee - 29.10.11
12th Kyu
Shannon Thompson - 26.09.11
11th Kyu
Isabelle Lewis - 31.10.11
Jamie Warman 07.11.11
Jessica Warman - 07.11.11
6th Kyu
George Elliott - 28.09.11
Jun 4th Kyu
Kyle Wingfield - 07.11.11
1st Dan
John Pike - 29.10.11
4th Dan
Tony Coles - 29.10.11
5th Dan
Ian Weatherley - 29.10.11
12th Kyu
Ciara Beetwell - 29.11.11
Roman Brooks - 29.11.11
Alonzo Downey - 29.11.11
Henry Steel 29.11.11
Emily Wood - 24.11.11
Jun 4th Kyu
Alexander Siddle - 22.09.11
Joseph Taylor - 22.09.11
Dan Grading 29.10.11
A Dan grading was held by the Okinawa Karate Association U.K. at the Brentwood Club on Saturday 29th October 2011. Brentwood student Simon Lee was successful in passing his 3rd Dan examination along with Rayleigh students John Pike, Tony Coles and Ian Weatherley, who passed the ranks of 1st Dan, 4th Dan and 5th Dan respectively.
Rear left to right, grading panel members Barry Coles, Derek Charlton, Paul Natzyl & Ken Smith. Front left to right, wearing his new black belt, John Pike, along with Simon Lee, Tony Coles and Ian Weatherley.
Summer (Jun - Aug) 2011 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Thomas Atkinson - 29.06.11
Oliver O' Mahoney - 29.06.11
Jake Roberts - 29.06.11
11th Kyu
Lucas Godfrey - 06.07.11
Rebecca Griffin - 06.07.11
Gowtham Ragavan - 23.06.11
10th Kyu
Thomas Munn - 29.06.11
8th Kyu
Mark Pons - 28.06.11
5th Kyu
William Dovey - 28.06.11
Christopher Hansford - 23.06.11
Jun 4th Kyu
David Munn - 29.06.11
4th Kyu
Nathan Hughes - 23.06.11
Luke Kempin - 28.06.11
3rd Kyu
Alexander Quinn - 23.06.11
2nd Kyu
Liam Gosnell - 28.06.11
1st Kyu
Steve Kempin - 28.06.11
Aaron Rush - 21.06.11
10th Kyu
Harry Bull - 19.08.11
Jamie Strathearn - 19.08.11
9th Kyu
Don King - 10.06.11
4th Kyu
Charlie Saville - 01.07.11
12th Kyu
Amba Holder - 27.06.11
Isabelle Lewis - 11.07.11
6th Kyu
Elizabeth Cannon - 01.08.11
2nd Kyu
Darren Akers - 06.07.11
1st Kyu
John Cannon - 01.08.11
Lydia Cannon - 01.08.11
11th Kyu
Aaron Hanscomb - 05.07.11
8th Kyu
James Goddard - 30.06.11
Joseph Phillips - 16.06.11
Elizabeth Siddle - 30.06.11
Jun 5th Kyu
Ross Jordan - 07.07.11
Jack Solder - 07.07.11
5th Kyu
Luke Beetwell - 05.07.11
Charlie Stark - 30.06.11
Shi Gakko Shudan's 25th Anniversary 1986 - 2011
Paul Natzyl, founder of the Shi Gakko Shudan
Written by Paul Natzyl
It all began 25 years ago on a Friday evening at the Shenfield Sports Centre. I had been learning Karate from Sensei Ron Ship at the centre for about 8 years. I trained with him at classes held between 8.00 p.m. and 10.00 on a Tuesday and Thursday evening. I trained on most occassions twice a week and had achieved my 1st Dan Black Belt in 1982. I then became assistant instructor and taught for Ron when he was absent form the club, which wasn't very often, however he used to visit Okinawa regularly for a period of time, so it was then that I would take the class for him mainly.
I had decided within a few weeks of my joining the club that given the chance I would one day become a full time Karate sensei (teacher). I didn't give it much thought after that and concentrated on my training which I enjoyed immensely. I also enjoyed friendship with many fellow students, many of whom I still keep in touch with today.
In 1986 I decided to ask Ron if I could start a beginners class at his dojo, to be held on a Friday evening. The idea was that they would eventually filter into his Tuesday and Thursday evening classes. I placed about 20 hand drawn posters which I copied in the windows of local shops a few weeks before the first class and hoped for the best. The Friday evening came and I had about 12 beginners, mainly junior and senior school age. Each week after more and more beginners would come along. I decided that I had enough students to split the group into two and have two classes on the Friday evening, one after the other. The classes kept growing until thay were about to burst. I remember on one evening I had over 40 junior students in the first class, I could hardly fit them all in the hall, followed by about half as many in the second class. It soon occured to me that I could achieve my ambition in becoming a full time instructor.
I asked for permission from Ron to open some clubs and then started looking for venues. The first was Castle Hall in Rayleigh, followed by a room above a shop in Billericay high street. It wasn't large enough so I looked for another hall in Billericay and found the South Green Memorial Hall, which we use to this day. The next halls to be found were the Shotgate Community Hall in Wickford and then Mill Hall in Rayleigh. The classes at Shenfield were moved to several other halls in succession after becoming independent for the Shenfield dojo (training hall) eventually ending up at the Brentwood School Sports Centre.
The Shi Gakko Shudan means Four School Group (Billericay, Brentwood, Rayleigh and Wickford) and is the flagship in the new Association that I have formed, the Okinawa Karate Association U.K. I am very proud of the Shi Gakko Shudan and all of the students that I teach. I still have a great passion for Karate and I don't think that will ever change. Over the last 25 years and seen many come and go, however I have managed to gain many black belt students, the highest being 4th Dan. I have also gained great friendship with many of my students. I can't believe that I have students of such a high level. I am sure when the time comes to say good-bye to the group as inevitably it will one day, I will leave it in good hands but in the meantime I will enjoy living my dream as a Karate Instructor.
Dan Grading 07.05.11
The first Dan grading of the newly formed Okinawa Karate Association was held at the Brentwood Club on Saturday 7th May 2011. Rayleigh students Joe Rapley and Reggie Went were succesful in passing Junior 1st Dan along with Nicholas Wilkins who was awarded a Senior 1st Dan. Brentwood student Jacqueline Purser also tested for Senior 1st Dan and was successful.
Rear left to right, grading panel members Ken Smith, Tony Coles, Paul Natzyl, Ian Weatherley & Barry Coles. Front left to right, wearing their new black belts, Nicholas Wilkins, Joe Rapley, Reggie Went & Jacqueline Purser.
Spring (Mar - May) 2011 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
11th Kyu
Alfie Goddard - 15.04.11
8th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 27.05.11
Connie Forman - 27.05.11
6th Kyu
Bobby Elliott-Young - 15.04.11
Lia Elliott-Young - 15.04.11
Daniel Williamson - 20.04.11
Jun 4th Kyu
Joshua Brazil - 05.05.11
Luke Kempin - 22.02.11
James Mullis - 15.04.11
4th Kyu
Rachel Hayday - 14.04.11
Olivia Underwood - 15.04.11
3rd Kyu
Euan Weatherley - 14.04.11
2nd Kyu
George Hayday 14.04.11
11th Kyu
Harry Bull - 20.05.11
Alba O' Shahnessy - 20.05.11
Daniel O' Shauhnessy - 20.05.11
Jamie Strathearn - 27.05.11
Mark Wilson - 27.05.11
9th Kyu
Anthony Griffin - 27.05.11
Jun 5th Kyu
Delorez McKay - 20.05.11
1st Dan
Jacqueline Purser - 07.05.11
12th Kyu
Jamie Warman - 23.05.11
Jessica Warman - 23.05.11
3rd Kyu
Lucy Smart - 25.05.11
Junior 1st Dan
Joe Rapley - 07.05.11
Reggie Went - 07.05.11
1st Dan
Nicholas Wilkins - 07.05.11
12th Kyu
Aaron Hanscomb - 19.04.11
Jordan Herridge-Nunn - 12.04.11
9th Kyu
James Goddard - 14.04.11
Elizabet Siddle - 14.04.11
Winter (Dec - Feb) 2010 - 2011 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Alfie Goddard - 14.12.10
Lucas Godfrey - 09.02.11
Rebecca Griffin - 08.12.10
Gowtham Ragavan - 03.02.11
Jack Walsh - 15.12.10
11th Kyu
Thomas Munn - 28.01.11
Jack Walsh - 23.02.11
9th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 18.02.11
Connie Forman - 18.02.11
Cole Godfrey - 09.02.11
Matthew Griffin - 08.12.10
Mark Pons - 18.01.11
6th Kyu
Andrew Wigg - 09.02.11
Mathew Griffin - 09.02.11
Jun 5th Kyu
Christopher Hansford - 03.02.11
5th Kyu
Joshua Hanna - 03.02.11
David Munn - 18.02.11
Natalie Stanley - 09.02.11
Jun 4th Kyu
Elizabeth Hanna - 03.02.11
Katie Kempin - 03.02.11
Olivia Underwood - 17.12.10
4th Kyu
Matthew Cruse - 14.01.11
Hannah Quinn - 03.02.11
Hannah Munn - 18.02.11
Jun 3rd Kyu
Alexander Quinn - 24.02.11
Euan Weatherley - 10.12.10
2nd Kyu
Harry Smith - 18.01.11
12th Kyu
Alba O'Shauhnessy - 21.01.11
Daniel O'Shauhnessy - 28.01.11
Mark Wilson - 03.12.10
9th Kyu
Alomar Sharief - 21.01.11
Alshariff Sharief - 21.01.11
7th Kyu
Henry Davison - 21.01.11
Jun 5th Kyu
Tyler Bandidin - 10.12.10
Jun 4th Kyu
Charlie Saville - 21.01.11
Ben Shepherd - 21.01.11
Jamie Shepherd - 21.01.11
3rd Kyu
Benjamin Coote
7th Kyu
George Elliott - 16.02.11
10th Kyu
James Goddard - 09.12.10
Joseph Phillips - 7.12.10
9th Kyu
Joseph Phillips - 10.02.11
5th Kyu
Alexander Siddle - 10.02.11
3rd Kyu
Ryan Budd - 10.02.11
Corbin Kohter - 10.02.11
Adam Palmer - 10.02.11
Lewis Palmer - 10.02.11
U.K. Students train with Okinawan Karate Masters.
Students took full advantage of Karate Masters Sensei Yamashiro and Sensei Higa,s flying visit to the U.K. Two, two hour training sessions were arranged with the 8th and 6th Dan experts over two days. Lessons were held at the Calso Health and Fitness Centre Dojo in Bromley, Kent, run by Derek Charlton. Members of the Okinawa Karate Association U.K. were invited along with members of the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association G.B.. Despite plans for the visit being finalised only a few days beforehand, many members were able to attend an enjoy the rare experience.
Sensei Hirokuni Yamashiro
President Paul Natzyl's Visit to Okinawa, Japan
President of the Okinawa Karate Association U.K. Paul Natzyl has just returned from Okinawa, Japan where he undertook five days of intensive training. During his visit to the parent Association, the Okinawa Karate-Do Association Japan, also known as Okikukai, on the Japanese Island regarded as the birthplace of Karate, Paul trained with some of the highest ranked Karate masters in the world. His visit culminating with him passing an examination for the rank of Kyoshi 7th Dan. The following is an account of his Okinawan experience in his own words.
I trained at the Association headquarters at Chatan-Cho for most of the time but was able to visit two other dojos (training halls) close by other occassions. The four hours of training nearly every day from Monday to Friday was gruelling. Two hours in the morning and two in the evening. I even had to train for an hour before my exam. Temperatures were 30 degrees centigrade and above with humidity and the dojo's were not air conditioned, There were only a few electric fans to help keep temperatures down. I am used to training for about 2 to 3 hours per day normally, between Monday and Friday but with the heat and the jet lag, things were very difficult for me. My gi's (karate suits) were soaking wet with sweat during the sessions. Even my belt was wet. This made my gi seem as if weight twice as much, making things worse.
I received personal tuition, mainly with sensei (teacher) Hirokuni Yamashiro, ranked Kyoshi 8th Dan. Quite often, there would be a 9th or 10th Dan also in attendance, watching my techniques and offering their advice, many of them in their 70's and 80's and still training. Their fitness and expertise is remarkable. They made me do things over and over again to improve my technique. That's what I expected and needed from such experts. I knew that the training on Okinawa would be hard, I wanted to be challenged and I was.
At the start of the week I was very concerned as to whether I could put all of the corrections that had given me into place, in time for the test. I had a notebook in which I kept a record of the improvements and changes I had to make, this had to be kept up to date and studied in between lessons. As the week progressed I was gradually putting things into place and felt a little more confident, but would I meet the requirements for the biggest test in my Martial Art career.
Friday 27th August 2010
Left for Okinawa from Heathrow Terminal 5.
Saturday 28th August 2010
Arrived at Hong Kong and took a flight to Okinawa, arriving late evening. Collected by Humiko Tsuchida, one of Yamashiro sans students and driven to the Beach Tower Hotel at Chatan.
The plane waiting at Hong Kong Airport that took me to Okinawa
Sunday 29th August 2010
Collected by Yutaka Higa san a Director of the parent Association, another of Yamashiro san's students and taken to Okinawa City Martial Arts Hall to watch a tournament between Uechi-Ryu students on the island. After the tournament I made a speech in Japanese to officials and competitors which fortunately most people seemed to understand and then invited to an informal party at headquarters by Takamiyagi san and then asked to make another speech. I commended the participants of the tournament for their strength and good technique. Takamiyagi san noticed that my portrait was not on the wall with the other instructors from around the world. I offered to send him a photo and he said that he would arrange for me to visit a professional photographer tomorrow, so that my picture could be added. He asked if I have an Association tie and I replied "no", so he promptly took off his tie and said that I could borrow it. He asked if I have a jacket. Again I said "no". So he took of his jacket and said I could borrow it.
Tournament Venue - Okinawa City Martial Arts Hall
Monday 30th August 2010
Collected from hotel at 9.30 a.m by Yamashiro san and taken to the headquarters for a 2 hour training session. Concentrated on the three katas for my 7th Dan exam, Sanchin, Seisan and San-Sei-Ryu. I was asked to repeat the moves over and over again and received many corrections. There were heavy pots which are used in conjunction with the stepping and turning routine in Sanchin Kata. The pots had to be held at the neck by just the finger tips and thumb knuckle joints.
Headquarters at Chatan-Cho
12.30 p.m. taken by the photographer and another man to the studio, I was still sweating from the training session, and finding it really hard to cool down. The photographer had a really large camera with an apron on the back, under which he constantly disappeared. He moved the camera into different positions whilst another man adjusted the studio lighting. All the time I was thinking, I have some time to cool down whilst they are making the adjustments, the longer they take the better. He took the pictures and then picked up an SLR camera and took some more photos. He printed some off and I asked if I could have one of the photos. He gave me the two that he printed. Him and the other man then took me back to the hotel. On the way back we were talking and the photographer told me that he did Goju-Ryu Karate.
Photo for Dojo Wall at Headquarters
Collected again at 5.00 p.m by Yamashiro san for more training at the headquarters which lasted about an hour. Back to hotel and collected by Higa san and taken to an official party to celebrate the tournament. Sat at table with Tomoyose san, Inada san, Takamiyagi san, Higa san and Machida san. Received a Takamiyagi Dojo t shirt and made another speech in which I complimented again the tournaments participants and winners.
Tuesday 31st August 2010
Collected by Yamashiro san from hotel at 10.00 a.m. and taken to HQ. Inada san was also there. Finish about 12.00 p.m.. Takamiyagi san phoned headquarters and said he would take us to lunch. He said he would collect me that evening and take me to his dojo, despite a typhoon on it's way. I wondered whether he would be able to due to the adverse weather conditions. However that didn't stop him, he arrived in the midst of the storm and he drove us the couple of miles to his dojo regardless.
During the training we heard what appeared to be tapping on the window. Takamiyagi san opened the window and received a lashing of the rain and wind, then promptly closed the window. I suggested to him that it may have been a tree branch being blown against the window. The tapping continued and Takamiyagi san said that he would go to the front door of the dojo to see if anyone was there. When he opened the door, it was Toshio Higa san, very wet and windswept. He had been waiting outside in the storm for some time. Both put me through my paces. There were just the three of us, with the wind howling and the rain beating on the windows. It all seems surreal. Takamiyagi san gave me two books on the Association members around the world and containing valuable training information. Takamiyagi san said that he had to go on a trip and was sorry that he would miss my grading exam. He wished me success and we said good-bye.
Inside Headquarters
Wednesday 1st September 2010
Collected at 9.30 a.m. by Inada san. Train at headquarters with him and Yamashiro san. Go to restuarant for lunch. Inada san took me back to hotel. Afternoon in spa at hotel and then take taxi to HQ for 7.00 p.m. start with Nakahodo san and Yamashiro san.
Spa at Hotel
Thursday 2nd September 2010
Collected by Kay at 10.00 a.m., student of Takamiyagi san and taken for day out to an aquairium in the north part of the island. Hatsuko Machida san kindly lent Kay the car for the trip. We collected Inada san on the way. Spectacular coastline drive, the sea was blue, green and turqoise, with little islands dotted here and there. The area is a popular with divers. Amazing Aquarium, we stopped on the way back to the hotel and Inada san bought lunch and then later we stopped again for some KFC.
Yamashiro san collected me at 7.50 p.m and we went to his dojo. Lots of makiwara training and classical music playing whilst training. Exercises include striking many times with the knuckles, elbows and shins a a striking post known as a makiwara, which was basically an upright piece of wood covered with a single layer of rope. The idea is to condition the striking areas of the body. Another exercise was kicking a sandbag, which was suspended on a low rail, with the tip of the big toe. After kicking the sandbag, it would swing forward and as it did so you would prepare to kick again on it's return. Their was also a heavily weighted bar bell, which is used in conjunction with the stepping and turning routine used in Sanchin Kata, similar to the exercise with the pots. After each step you would have to extend the arms into the down position and then pull up into the bent arm position. Scott Higa san, a friend of Yamashiro san arrived whilst training, then finished at about 10.00 p.m..Taken back to hotel by two of Yamashiro san's students.
Makiwara at the Headquarters Dojo
Friday 3rd September 2010
Collected by Inada san at 9.30 and went to headquarters for grading paractice. Yamashiro also there. Scott Higa arrived and did some training too. Finish at about 12.00 p.m. Yamashiro san said that Higa san would like to take us for lunch but I declined feeling the need to recover and prepare for the evening grading examination. Inada san took me back to the hotel. He said that he would collect me at 6.30.p.m. for practice then grading exam at 8.00 p.m..
The morning session had left me drained and I knew I had to recover for the evening, so I took a traditional Japanese massage, followed by sleep and a long soak in a deep, hot bath. I hadn't really eaten much and time was running short. I went to the little supermarket in the hotel lobby and bought two tubs of ice cream and two bottles of cola in a hope that it would give me the energy I needed. I consumed it all immediately I got back to the hotel room. I packed my bag making sure that I had a clean gi for the grading.
Inada san collected me at 6.30 p.m and took me to headquarters for a practice before the grading at 8.00 p.m. Kata, over and over again. Nakahodo san, Higa san Yamashiro san and Arakaki San arrived and set things up. Scott Higa san also arrived to watch. 8.00 p.m. I changed into the clean karate suit and hoped for the best. I had to perform the three Katas I had been practicing during the week, Sanchin, Seisan and San-Sei-Ryu. The new corrections had caused me some concern, as I was so proccupied with putting them into place that I had occassionally been missing out moves completely. I had previously been told that if I missed a move I would be marked accordingly and would not be given a chance to do things again.
We started with Sanchin Kata, so it was jacket off and I prepared for a severe test from Yamashiro san, As expected the test was hard, and included being stuck with force to the shoulders, arms, stomach and legs, needing good muscular control, correct breathing pattern and a strong stance. One blow from behind to my right calf, forced me to have to adjust the position of my feet, in order to regain my stance. Three Katas later the test was over. Fortunately it seemed that I had been able to put most things into place. I can't remember missing out any moves. I felt satisfied that I had done my best. The grading panel stood and lined up in front of their desk. I was called and stepped up in front of them. They then announced that I had passed. I made a short speech in Japanese again and the the certificate was presented to me and then we posed for some photographs. Inada san took me back to the hotel. Higa san drove back to the hotel as well where we had some more photos and then said good-bye. Then celebration in American Village next to hotel.
Paul proudly displaying his certificate with the grading panel, officials and students.
Front row left to right, Hiroshi Inada, Hanshi 10th Dan, President Tsutomu Nakahodo, Hanshi 10th Dan, Paul Natzyl, Kyoshi 7th Dan, Toshio Higa, Hanshi 9th Dan and Hirokuni Yamashiro, Kyoshi 8th Dan. Back row form right to left, Takashi Arakaki, Kyoshi 8th Dan, Keicho Tobaru, Kyoshi 8th Dan, officials and students.
Saturday 4th September 2010
Checked out of hotel and was collected by Yamashiro san at 11.30 a.m. Taken to a fantastic Okinawan restuarant for lunch on the way to the airport. Then said good-bye.
View from hotel room across bay towards headquarters - where it all happened!
In my role as the President of the Okinawa Karate Association U.K., and as an instructor It's my resposibility to make sure that techniques are kept up to date and that standards are kept high. The tuition I have now received can be passed on to all of the instructors and students within our U.K. Association. Everyone will benefit from my visit to Japan, the memories of which I will keep for the rest of my life. Passing my exam and my experience in Okinawa has given me a great boost and I am delighted.
I would like to thank all those I met during my visit to Okinawa for their hospitality, generosity and kindness. I would like to thank in particular Ryuko Tomoyose, Hanshi 10th Dan, Hiroshi Inada, Hanshi 10th Dan, Shigeru Takmiyagi, Hanshi 10th Dan, Toshio Higa, Hanshi 9th Dan, President Tsutomu Nakahodo, Hanshi 10th Dan, Hirokuni Yamashiro, Kyoshi 8th Dan, Takashi Arakaki, Kyoshi 8th Dan, Soukei Machida, Kyoshi 7th Dan, Hatsuko Machida, Shihan 5th Dan, Yutaka Higa, Kay from Yamashiro san's dojo and Humiko Tsuchida.
Summer (Jun-Aug) 2010 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Thomas Munn - 18.06.10
Oliver Wilsher - 25.06.10
11th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 18.06.10
Connie Forman - 18.06.10
Cole Godfrey - 16.06.10
Matthew Griffin - 16.06.10
Jun 5th Kyu
Katie Kempin - 16.06.10
Luke Kempin - 22.06.10
Natalie Stanley - 16.06.10
Jun 4th Kyu
Matthew Cruse - 18.06.10
Rachel Hayday - 18.06.10
Nathan Hughes - 18.06.10
Hannah Munn - 18.06.10
Jun 2nd Kyu
George Hayday - 18.06.10
1st Kyu
Benjamin Howard - 29.06.10
Richard Jowers - 29.06.10
11th Kyu
Azaan Hafiz - 18.06.10
6th Kyu
Tyler Bandidin - 18.06.10
5th Kyu
Ben Shepherd - 25.06.10
2nd Kyu
Thomas Schofield - 18.06.10
Divyen Vanniasegaram - 18.06.10
12th Kyu
Tom Higgins
9th Kyu
George Elliot - 07.07.10
Rob Hunt
7th Kyu
Adam Barham - 21.06.10
5th Kyu
Lucy Smart - 16.06.10
4th Kyu
Darren Akers - 16.06.10
1st Kyu
Jennifer Lock - 16.06.10
Nicholas Wilkins - 16.06.10
12th Kyu
James Goddard - 17.06.10
11th Kyu
Joseph Phillips - 17.06.10
Elizabeth Siddle 17.06.10
7th Kyu
Jack Griffiths - 22.06.10
Ross Jordan - 22.06.10
Jack Solder - 22.06.10
6th Kyu
Alexander Siddle - 17.06.10
Charlie Stark - 17.06.10
Jun 5th Kyu
Daniel Sloan - 13.07.10
Jun 3rd Kyu
Ryan Budd - 17.06.10
Corbin Kohter - 17.06.10
Adam Palmer - 17.06.10
Lewis Palmer - 17.06.10
Spring (Mar-May) 2010 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Cole Godfrey - 03.3.10
Matthew Griffin - 03.3.10
Aryan Malik - 24.03.10
8th Kyu
Bobby Elliott-Young - 23.04.10
Lia Elliott-Young - 23.04.10
7th Kyu
Andrew Wigg - 24.03.10
12th Kyu
Azaan Hafiz - 05.3.10
6th Kyu
Delorez McKay - 05.3.10
8th Kyu
Elizabeth Cannon - 12.04.10
6th Kyu
Lucy Smart - 24.03.10
5th Kyu
Jamie Walker - 21.04.10
Kyle Wingfield - 29.03.10
2nd Kyu
John Cannon - 12.04.10
Lydia Cannon - 12.04.10
1st Kyu
Joe Rapley - 12.04.10
12th Kyu
Elizabeth Siddle - 04.3.10
Jun 5th Kyu
George Nutt - 09.03.10
New Look
Cole Godfrey and Matthew Griffin, pictured above wearing the emblem of the newly formed Okinawa Karate Association U.K., known as Okikukai U.K. for short. The red belts signifies the 12th Kyu ranks which the boys have just recently passed. The various coloured belts have been introduced recently for under 16,s, to comply with the system used by the Okinawan parent Association. This replaces the system of tabbing belts, which is still used for adults.
Autumn (Sep - Nov) 2010 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
10th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 15.10.10
Connie Forman - 15.10.10
Cole Godfrey - 24.11.10
Christopher Hansford - 28.10.10
7th Kyu
Bobby Elliot-Young - 26.11.10
Lia Elliot-Young - 26.11.10
Daniel Williamson - 24.11.10
Jun 5th Kyu
David Munn - 22.10.10
5th Kyu
Katie Kempin - 14.10.10
Luke kempin - 23.11.10
Hannah Quinn - 14.10.10
Jun 3rd Kyu
James Dovey - 28.10.10
Benjamin Stanley - 24.11.10
12th Kyu
Harry Bull - 26.11.10
8th Kyu
Geoarge Elliott - 20.10.10
7th Kyu
Elizabeth Cannon - 18.10.10
4th Kyu
Lucy Smart - 01.11.10
3rd Kyu
Darren Akers 20.10.10
11th Kyu
James Goddard - 14.10.10
10th Kyu
Elizabeth Siddle - 14.10.10
6th Kyu
Ross Jordan - 26.10.10
Jack Solder - 26.10.10
Jun 5th Kyu
Luke Beetwell - 26.10.10
Alexander Siddle - 14.10.10
Charlie Stark - 28.10.10
5th Kyu
Joseph Taylor - 21.10.10
Autumn (Sep - Nov) 2009 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Bobby Elliot-Young - 28.10.09
Lia Elliot-Young - 28.10.09
8th Kyu
Christopher Hansford - 15.10.09
Andrew Wigg - 14.10.09
Daniel Williamson - 21.10.09
7th Kyu
Paul Farrant - 29.09.09
Katie Kempin - 14.10.09
Hannah Quinn - 15.10.09
Natalie Stanley - 14.10.09
5th Kyu
Rachel Hayday - 28.10.09
9th Kyu
Al-Omar Sharief - 23.10.09
Alshariff Sarief - 23.10.09
8th Kyu
Henry Davison - 27.11.09
David McKay
7th Kyu
Tyler Bandidin - 23.10.09
Alexander Burford-Fuller - 23.10.09
Delorez McKay - 23.10.09
6th Kyu
Charlie Saville - 16.10.09
George Saville - 16.10.09
9th Kyu
Adam Barham - 12.10.09
Elizabeth Cannon - 30.11.09
6th Kyu
Darren Akers - 21.10.09
3rd Kyu
Chloe Howes - 12.10.09
9th Kyu
Jack Griffiths - 27.10.09
Ross Jordan - 27.10.09
Joshua Mansfield - 01.10.09
Jack Solder - 27.10.09
8th Kyu
Owen Croft - 01.10.09
Harrison Lane - 15.10.09
Alexander Siddle - 01.10.09
Charlie Stark - 20.10.09
7th Kyu
Luke Beetwell - 20.10.09
Grace Johnson - 20.10.09
Daniel Sloan
6th Kyu
Joseph Taylor - 15.10.09
5th Kyu
Billy Pearce - 12.11.09
4th Kyu
Adam Palmer - 15.10.09
Winter (Dec - Feb) 2009 - 2010 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
12th Kyu
Thomas Betts - 22.01.10
Connie Forman - 29.01.10
Daniel Morgan - 22.01.10
7th Kyu
Christopher Hansford - 04.02.10
Eleni Kell - 22.01.10
6th Kyu
Katie Kempin - 20.01.10
Luke Kempin - 21.01.10
David Munn - 22.01.10
Hannah Quinn - 21.01.10
Natalie Stanley - 24.2.10
Jun 5th Kyu
William Dovey - 21.01.10
Joshua Hanna - 22.01.10
James Mullis - 22.01.10
5th Kyu
Olivia Underwood
4th Kyu
James Dovey - 04.2.10
Alexander Quinn - 04.02.10
Benjamin Stanley - 20.01.10
Euan Weatherley - 21.01.10
Jun 3rd Kyu
Mitchell McLeod - 04.02.10
3rd Kyu
Robyn Feaver - 11.02.10
2nd Kyu
Steven Kempin - 26.01.10
Katie Kempin and Natalie Stanley
Jun 5th Kyu
Charlie Saville - 05.02.10
Ben Shepherd - 22.01.10
8th Kyu
Adam Barham - 25.01.10
5th Kyu
Darren Akers - 20.01.10
Joseph Phillips - 12th Kyu - 11.02.10
8th Kyu
Jack Griffiths - 11.02.10
Ross Jordan - 11.02.10
Joshua Mansfield - 21.01.10
Jack Solder - 11.02.10
7th Kyu
Alexander Siddle - 21.01.10
Charlie Stark - 09.02.10
6th Kyu
Luke Beetwell - 09.02.10
Daniel Sloan - 09.02.10
Jun 5th Kyu
Joseph Taylor - 21.01.10
Hirokuni Yamashiro san's visit to U.K.
Hirokuni Yamashiro sans's flying visit to the U.K. has been a tremendous success. Essex instructor Paul Natzyl, hosted a four hour training session with Sensei Yamashiro on Saturday 26th September 2009 at the Brentwood School Sports Centre dojo.
Students from Paul Natzyl's Shi Gakko Group and students from Derek Charlton's Kent dojo, along with Association Chairman, Mick Pappas from Oxford, were able to enjoy the expert display of skills and beneficial advice given by the 8th Dan Black Belt from Okinawa, Japan.
Hirokuni Yamashiro san also visited Terry Daly's dojo in London during his visit, and whilst in the capital, made time to attend a concert of orchestral classical music, which he says has been an ambition of his for some time.
Sensei Yamashiro with members of Paul Natzyl's Shi Gakko Group, Derek Charltons Kent dojo and Chairman Mick Pappas.
Summer (Jun - Aug) 2009 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Christopher Hansford
Nicholas Presswell - 12.06.09
Andrew Wigg
Daniel Williamson
8th Kyu
Paul Farrant
Eleni Kell
Hannah Quinn
7th Kyu
Luke Kempin
David Munn
6th Kyu
Joshua Hanna
Samuel Hughes
Olivia Underwood
Annie Sarson - 02.07.09
5th Kyu
Joshua Brazil
Elzabeth Hanna
Jack Matthews
4th Kyu
Joe Stevens
3rd Kyu
George Hayday
Liam Gosnell
2nd Kyu
Benjamin Howard
Aaron Rush
1st Kyu
Michael King
9th Kyu
Michael Curry - 12.06.09
Henry Davison
David McKay
8th Kyu
Tyler Bandidin
Alexander Burford-Fuller
Michael Curry
Delorez McKay
Kyle Shannon
7th Kyu
Charlie Saville
George Saville
5th Kyu
Jamie Shepherd
3rd Kyu
Jack Head
Thomas Schofield
Divyen Vanniasegaram
9th Kyu
Collette Coote
8th Kyu
James Williams
7th Kyu
Darren Akers
Lucy Smart - 29.07.09
Edward Taylor - 30.07.09
9th Kyu
Doran Abbott
Owen Croft
Charlotte Hargreaves
Charlie Stark
Danny Wildes
8th Kyu
Luke Beetwell
Grace Johnson
Daniel Sloan
Jamie Thorn
7th Kyu
Daniel Warner
4th Kyu
Ryan Budd
Lewis Palmer
Dan Grading Examination Results - 4th April 2009
On the 4th April 2009, Dan grade examinations were held by the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association G.B. in Oxford. The following grades were awarded.
Andrew Worth - 1st Dan - Shi Gakko Group, Essex
Jeffrey Ott - 2nd Dan - Shi Gakko Group, Essex
Barry Coles - 4th Dan - Shi Gakko Group, Essex
Tony Hutton - 4th Dan - Liverpool
Steve McNally - 4th Dan - Liverpool
Left to right, Barry Coles, Andrew Worth and Jeffrey Ott
Winter (Dec - Feb) 2008 - 2009 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Paul Farrant - 24.02.09
Hannah Quinn - 15.01.09
8th Kyu
Luke Kempin - 03.02.09
David Munn - 23.01.09
7th Kyu
George Casey - 04.02.09
Joshua Hanna - 23.01.09
Olivia Underwood - 04.02.09
6th Kyu
Elizabeth Hanna - 23.01.09
4th Kyu
George Hayday - 23.01.09
9th Kyu
Alexander Burford-Fuller - 23.01.09
Michael Curry - 27.02.09
Delorez McKay - 23.01.09
Kyle Shannon - 22.01.09
8th Kyu
John Honyben
Charlie Saville
George Saville
8th Kyu
Darren Akers - 14.01.09
September, October & November 2008 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
8th Kyu
Mavina Bhatta
Taran Bhatta
9th Kyu
Jack Gardner
Katie Kempin
Luke Kempin
8th Kyu
Alfie Brown
George Casey
Olivia Underwood
7th Kyu
James Mullis
6th Kyu
Euan Weatherley
5th Kyu
Kuruparan Kukuthasan
1st Kyu
James Paton
9th Kyu
Darren Akers
James Crowe
Edward Taylor
James Williams
8th Kyu
Nicole Coote
7th Kyu
Jamie Walker
5th Kyu
Tara Burling
4th Kyu
Chloe Howes
3rd Kyu
Billy Howes
Nicola Howes
2nd Kyu
Edward Leighton
1st Kyu
John Pike
David Wilkins
9th Kyu
Luke Beetwell
Grace Johnson
Daniel Sloan
Daniel Warner
Joseph Taylor
8th Kyu
Jemma Maloney
Jasmine Thorne
Lauren Tricker
7th kyu
Billy Pearce
Dan Grade Examination Results - 8th November 2008
On the 8th November 2008, Dan grade examinations were held by the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association G.B. in Oxford. The following students were successful and passed their 1st Dan Black Belt.
Stephen Cornett - Shi Gakko Group, Essex
Sharni Josephine - London
Russell Probert - Shi Gakko Group, Essex
From left to right, Stephen Cornett, Paul Natzyl, Ken Smith and Russell Probert
Summer (Jun - Aug) 2008 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Alfie Brown
Eleni Kell 13.06.08
David Munn
Olivia Underwood
8th Kyu
Jushua Hanna
James Mullis
Rosie Sarson
Natalie Stanley
7th Kyu
Elizabeth Hannah
Rachel Hayday
Megan Heazel
Millie Heazel
Samuel Hughes
Annie Sarson
Euan Weatherley
6th Kyu
Charlie Sarson
5th Kyu
Alex Brown
2nd Kyu
Michael King
9th Kyu
John Honyben
5th Kyu
Larissa Patience
3rd Kyu
Claudette Said
Gino Said
9th Kyu
Robert Little
8th Kyu
Eleanor Copland
Ian Little
Lucy Smart
Jamie Walker
6th Kyu
Tara Burling
3rd Kyu
John Cannon
Lydia Cannon
9th Kyu
Daniel Warner
Jemma Maloney
Joseph Taylor
8th Kyu
Billy Pearce
7th Kyu
Harry Waller
4th Kyu
Corbin Kohter
March, April & May 2008 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
George Casey
1st kyu
Colin Rush
9th Kyu
Alexander Bock
Charlie Saville
George Saville
9th Kyu
Ian Little
9th Kyu
Jasmine Thorne
Lauren Tricker
5th Kyu
Adam Palmer
February 2008 Grading ExaminationResults
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
James Mullis
8th Kyu
Elizabeth Hanna
Millie Heazel
Olivia Paton
Annie Sarson
Euan Weatherley
7th Kyu
Charlie Sarson
Ben Shepherd
6th Kyu
Joshua Brazil
Matthew Cruse
Natash Katz
Kuruparan Kukuthasan
Jack Matthews
Rebecca Scourfield
Jamie Shepherd
5th Kyu
Alexander Quinn
Benjamin Stanley
4th Kyu
Robyn Feaver
3rd Kyu
Jasmin Noureddin
Russell Probert
Harry Smith
1st Kyu
James Harle
9th Kyu
Mavina Bhatta
Taran Bhatta
7th Kyu
Sophie Moody
4th Kyu
Oliver Field
Jack Head
Thomas Schofield
Divyen Vanniasegaram
9th Kyu
Nicole Coote
Lucy Smart
Jamie Walker
5th Kyu
Chloe Howes
Billy Howes
Nicola Howes
7th Kyu
Tara Burling
4th Kyu
Lois Barr
2nd Kyu
James Budd
1st Kyu
Catherine Stanley
9th Kyu
Jodie Cable
Adam McRobert
Billy Pearce
Jamie Thorn
6th Kyu
George Nutt
Tommy Robinson
4th Kyu
William Hawkins
3rd Kyu
Joe Rapley
1st Kyu
Reggie Went
November & December 2007 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Rosie Sarson
8th Kyu
Megan Heazel
6th Kyu
Larissa Patience
5th Kyu
Meg Rapley
Dan Grading Examination Results
On the 24th November 2007 Dan grade examinations were held by the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association G.B. in Brentwood, Essex. The panel of examiners included Terry Daly, Ken Smith and Paul Natzyl.
Grading examination results are as follows:
1st Dan
Nathan Ali - London
Tyrone Josephine - London
Adam Lewis - Shi Gakko Group, Essex
Roy Stevens - Shi Gakko Group, Essex
2nd Dan
Simon Lee - Shi Gakko Group, Essex
October 2007 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Elizabeth Hannah
Joshua Hannah
Millie Heazel
Olivia Paton
Euan Weatherley
Matthew Welsford
8th Kyu
Nathan Bibby
Rachel Hayday
Samuel Hughes
Charlie Sarson
7th Kyu
Joshua Brazil
Matthew Cruse
Kuruparan Kukuthasan
Jack Matthews
Lucinda McPherson-Davis
Rebecca Scourfield
6th Kyu
Alex McPherson-Davis
William Dovey
Nathan Hughes
Alexander Quinn
Benjamin Stanley
Kyle Wingfield
5th Kyu
George Hayday
Mitchell Mcleod
4th Kyu
Joseph Scourfield
3rd Kyu
Ben Howard
Aaron Rush
2nd kyu
James Paton
9th Kyu
Grace Amos
Carla Weightman
8th Kyu
Claudia Meister
Sophie Moody
1st Kyu
Zak Cornett
9th Kyu
Jane Hunter
Tommy Little
6th Kyu
Chloe Howes
5th Kyu
Eleanor Copland
4th Kyu
John Cannon
Lydia Cannon
3rd Kyu
Edward Leighton
Jennifer Lock
2nd Kyu
John Pike
8th Kyu
Harry Waller
7th Kyu
George Nutt
Tommy Robinson
6th Kyu
Adam Palmer
5th Kyu
Charlie Cable
Corbin Kohter
3rd Kyu
Samuel Taylor
1st Kyu
Malisa Then
Grading Success for Aaron and Mitchell
Aaron Rush and Mitchell McLeod, members of the South Green club in Billericay have just been awarded Brown (3rd Kyu) and Green (5th Kyu) belts. Aaron and Mitchell were delighted to receive their belts as can be clearly seen in the photos below. There aren't many belt colors in Uechi-Ryu, so achieving their grades was made even more special.
Aaron Rush
Mitchell McLeod
Rising Star
Corbin Kohter, Wickford student and pupil at Hilltop Junior School, has been selected one of three pupils from his school by the William de Ferrers School Sports Partnership for the Rising Stars Club. The criteria for being selected is that the student has to be gifted in P.E./talented in sport.
Schools in the local area identify three students each, which then are able to attend the 'Rising Stars Club', where they will be taught a variety of multi skills by Chelsea Community Coaches. Several of these clubs will be run accross the country, and the top eight from each club will then be invited to the Rising Stars Academy.
The top three girls and the top three boys will then be invited to the County Multi Skill Academy where they will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports and meet representatives for their sport. An excellent opportunity to try new sports and meet important contacts for each sport.
Paul Natzyl, Corbin's Karate instructor says that Corbin is very agile and always puts lots of energy into his Karate, and that he deserves his selection as a Rising Star.
You're in Safe Hands with Kira Lewis
Kira Lewis displaying her Cup Final medal
Seventeen year old Kira Lewis from Thundersley in Essex is not only preparing to take her black belt test but may also have a promising future as a top footballer.
Kira has been playing in goal for Crystal Palace F.C. Ladies 1st team and reserves since August 2007 and was fortunate enough to be included as substitute goalie in the team that played against Chelsea F.C. in the Barry Cup Final at Leatherhead on the 26th April. Unfortunately Kira's team lost 1-0.
Kira was asked to play for Crystal Palace after being recommended by the trainer at local team Basildon Town F.C. who she also plays for.
July & August 2007 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Megan Heazel
Annie Sarson
Natalie Stanley
8th Kyu
Ben Shepherd
6th Kyu
Mitchell McLeod
9th Kyu
Sophie Moody
Ella Richardson
8th Kyu
Jamie Clary
5th Kyu
Oliver Field
Harry Strickland
Rachel Strickland
Divyen Vanniasegaram
1st Kyu
Steven Cornett
8th Kyu
Tara Burling
7th Kyu
Chyloe Howes
6th Kyu
Eleanor Copland
Stephen White
5th Kyu
Lois Barr
2nd Kyu
David Wilkins
9th Kyu
Harry Dell
8th Kyu
Lucie Healy
6th Kyu
Charlie Cable
Corbin Kohter
Meg Rapley
Yound Hero
Claudette Said has just been awarded a Young Person of the Year award by Brentwood Borough. The award is given to young people who set an inspiring example to the rest of the community.
Claudette who attends the Friday class at the Brentwood School Sports Centre received the award for tackling bullying in her school. Claudette decided to take action after she had been bullied herself as a younger pupil. Claudette, who attends St. Martin's School in Brentwood, took a course in counselling and organised an anti-bullying assembly for lower school pupils. Her efforts have helped those being bullied at the school by offering them support. Claudette said that she intends to carry on her work in dealing with the problem of bullying.
Paul Natzyl said that he can't think of a nicer person to receive the award. Claudette is always cheerful and pleasant in class. She deserves the acknowledgment she has been given for her kindness and concern for others.
Grading Success for Brother and Sister
Harry and Rachel Strickland have been training hard during the school Summer holidays. They have been able to take full advantage of the absence of others and have received, on more than one occasion, personal coaching.
The brother and sister have been attending the class held on a Friday evening at Brentwood School Sports Centre. The class has been the quietest since it started back in 1986. The personal attention has certainly paid off. They have just taken an examination for 5th Kyu grade, Green Belt, and have passed.
Paul Natzyl, said that he is extremely proud of Harry and Rachel. They have not always found things easy, however their interest in the art of Uechi-Ryu has not wavered and they have remained dedicated students. Now they have been rewarded for their hard work.
Congratulations to Harry and Rachel Strickland
Joe Rapley achieves his 29th Merit Badge
Joe Rapley from Wickford has just passed his 29th merit badge. He took the examination for Junior Instructor at the club based at the Shotgate Community Hall in Wickford on Thursday 28th June 2007.
Joe was able to assert himself to his fellow students at the club and also offered good communication skills, enabling him to achieve the badge.
Joe has just the splits badge to obtain to complete his collection of all 30 badges.
Congratulations Joe!
By the way, you may have noticed Joe doesn't have any badges on his sleeves, that's because he now has a new karate suit and the badges havn't been transferred from his old suit yet. Joe decided to show off his muscle instead.
Reggie Went's Continued Success
Reggie Went has already achieved great success in his study of Uechi-Ryu by becoming the youngest 3rd Kyu, Brown Belt within the Essex based Shi Gakko Group of Clubs. However just recently he has taken another grading examination to become the youngest 2nd Kyu within the group.
Reggies success doesn't end there, he has also obtained 28 of the 30 merit badges available in the merit badge sceme and is working on the last two badges, given for japanese knowledge and for being able to do the splitz.
Go for it Reggie!
March, April & May 2007 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Peter Griffiths
Samuel Hughes
Charlie Sarson
Rebecca Scourfield
8th Kyu
Joshua Brazil
Natasha Katz
Kuruparan Kukuthasan
Jack Matthews
George Sharman
7th Kyu
William Dovey
Nathan Hughes
Robert Howard
Alexander Quinn
Mitchell Mcleod
Benjamin Stanley
Kyle Wingfield
6th Kyu
Niamh Brown
George Hayday
5th Kyu
James Dovey
Robyn Feaver
Brandon Reed
4th Kyu
Yasmin Noureddin
Harry Smith
Charlie Withers
3rd Kyu
Mitchell Dwight
Michael King
2nd Kyu
James Harle
Jowers Richard
Colin Rush
8th Kyu
Benjamin Sawyer
7th Kyu
Larissa Patience
6th Kyu
Ryan O'Reilly
Harry Strickland
Rachel Strickland
Olivia Tiernan
Divyn Vanniasegaram
Isabel Ward
5th Kyu
Thomas Schofield
4th Kyu
Liam Gosnell
Claudette Said
Gino Said
9th Kyu
Tara Burling
8th Kyu
Thomas Butler
Chloe Howes
7th Kyu
Eleanor Copland
Stephen White
4th Kyu
Edward Leighton
3rd Kyu
Rachel Barr
2nd Kyu
Catherine Stanley
5th Kyu
John Cannon
Lydia Cannon
9th Kyu
Anastasia Lyne
Abigail Murray
Harry Waller
8th Kyu
Charlie Martin
Stanley Martin
George Nutt
Tommy Robinson
7th Kyu
Harry James
Corbin Kohter
Adam Palmer
Meg Rapley
5th Kyu
Ryan Budd
William Hawkins
Lewis Palmer
2nd Kyu
Reggie Went
Dan Grading Examination Results - 12th May 2007
On the 12th May 2007, Dan grade examinations were held by the Uechi-Ryu Karate Association G.B., at the Brentwood School Sports Centre on the 12th May 2007. The grading panel included Terry Daly, Ken Smith and Paul Natzyl. Ken Smith has been unable to train in recent years due to difficulties with his health but his presence on the panel of examiners was much valued.
Grading examination results are as follows.
1st Dan
Aaron Pelligrini - London
4th Dan
Kuda Adams - London
Ian Weatherley - Shi Gakko Group, Essex
Left to right, Ian Weatherley, Aaron Pelligrini and Kuda Adams
Left to right, Paul Natzyl, Ian Weatherley, Aaron Pelligrini, Kuda Adams, Terry Daly and Ken Smith
Ian Weatherley was delighted to acheive a personal goal of obtaining the rank of 4th Dan.
Left to right, Shi Gakko Group members, Paul Natzyl, Barry Coles (who assisted Ian) and Ian Weatherley
January 2007 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Nathan Bibby
9th Kyu
Monica Gurung
6th Kyu
Lois Barr
Charlie Cable
7th Kyu
October & November 2006 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Rachel Hayday
Lucinda McPherson-Davis
8th Kyu
Matthew Cruse
William Dovey
Robert Howard
Mitchell McLeod
Karl Wingfield
7th Kyu
Alex Brown
Niamh Brown
George Hayday
Alex McPherson-Davis
6th Kyu
James Dovey
Connor Mcleod
5th Kyu
Charlie Withers
4th Kyu
Kimberley Beams
Ben Howard
Aaron Rush
9th Kyu
Jamie Clary
Clive Patience
8th Kyu
Larissa Patience
Luke Mitchell
7th Kyu
Ryan O' Reilly
Olivia Tiernan
Isabel Ward
6th Kyu
Oliver Field
5th Kyu
Patrick Tiernan
2nd Kyu
Zak Cornett
June, July, August 2006 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Natasha Katz
6th Kyu
Oliver Aldous
Robyn Feaver
Hannah Munn
Brandon Reed
5th Kyu
Reegan Katz
Yasmin Noureddin
Joseph Scourfield
Harry Smith
4th Kyu
Mitchell Feaver
Russel Probert
1st Kyu
James Gibson
9th Kyu
Ben Sawyer
7th Kyu
Divyen Vanniasegaram
6th Kyu
Thomas Schofield
2nd Kyu
Steve Cornett
9th Kyu
Jordan Conroy
Sean Goodwin
Chloe Howes
8th Kyu
Eleanor Copland
Stephen White
7th Kyu
John Cannon
Lydia Cannon
5th Kyu
Andrew Galer
3rd Kyu
John Pike
9th Kyu
William Hawkins
8th Kyu
Harry James
Korbin Kohter
Meg Rapley
6th Kyu
Oliver Aldous
Robyn Feaver
Hannah Munn
Brandon Reed
5th Kyu
Joseph Scourfield
Harry Smith
4th Kyu
Mitchell Feaver
February / March 2006 Grading Examination Results
Students below were promoted to the following grades.
9th Kyu
Matthew Cruse
William Dovey
Samuel Hirata-Flannigan
Robert Howard
Mitchell McLeod
Alexander Quinn
Rebecca Scourfield
Lewis Williams
8th Kyu
Charlie Barry
Alex Brown
Niamh Brown
Matthew Cook
George Hayday
Nathan Hughes
Alex McPherson-Davis
7th Kyu
Jamie Shepherd
5th Kyu
Rhys Braney
3rd Kyu
James Harle
Colin Rush
9th Kyu
Larissa Patience
Francesca Sheridan
Joshua Weller
8th Kyu
Ryan O'Reilly
9th Kyu
Eleanor Copland
Claudia Ferman
Stephen White
8th Kyu
Lois Barr
John Cannon
Lydia Cannon
5th Kyu
Billy Howes
Nicola Howes
4th Kyu
Rachel Barr
1st Kyu
Barry Barham
David Cannon
Gary Cannon
Kira Lewis
Craig Stevens
9th Kyu
Jay Bowman
Thomas Craven
Lewis Easter
Harry James
Corbin Kohter
Daniel Mitchell
Adam Palmer
Meg Rapley
Connor Songhurst
7th Kyu
William Hawkins
3rd Kyu
Reggie Went